
Suppliers British and Commonwealth Military Equipment
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British Army 'Artic Warfare' L1A1 Enfield Service Rifle dated 1958
Fitted with Hythe Sights and Original Artic Warfare sling system
After many years of looking, we finally came across three Original British Army 'Artic Warfare' L1A1 slings, but only had enough parts to build just one rifle.
There is very little know about the British Army version of the L1A1 Artic warfare system due to it being only in service for 14 months before being scrapped.
In the early 1960's the Cold War was at its Hight and the Soviet Army was massing a large Army in the North of Europe. The British Army as part of NATO needed to fit out the L1A1 for Artic condition.
The butt was hollowed out and a very large screw connected this light weight butt to the main spring inside the butt. These butts were specially manufactured to be light weight and a large sling connection was intergraded into the new butt.
The sling system is the same as on the more common Royal marines L1A1 version but the Army version used a complete new sling system.
The L1A1 was designed to go on the back so the person could use both ski's in war time conditions.
We have sold a Royal Marines L1A1 version to a client who did just that in Norway and he sent us photos of his L1A1 and himself skiing with his L1A1 on his back.

This L1A1 is dated 1958 and was manufactured at R.S.A.F Enfield and has a nice smooth action.

The rare hollow butt with sling attachments and front clip attachment

All Army Artic Warfare versions were fitted with Hythe sights

Mussel protector still with its stamped NATO Stock number

The Artic Warfare butt has a strengthen pin that connects to the sling system

After 14 months the British Army scrapped its L1A1 Artic Warfare program, but no reason was given. All converted Artic Warfare L1A1's were returned to British Army Central stores Armoury and converted back to standard L1A1 service rifles.
The British military Armoury's binned the Artic Warfare sling system's as scrap in a skip but a few ended up in private museums.
We purchased three sets that came out of a private museum but only one set was complete.