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RSAF Enfield  Lee Metford Cavalry Carbine Mk1   .303     dated 1896

                                               Boar War issued

      This is by far the rarest model of all versions of the Lee Enfield  .303  Cavalry Carbine Mark 1 (LEC) with only a total production run of 13,926.

      The Lee Metford Cavalry Carbine Mk1 was only manufactuted for one year from 1895 to 1896 and only at the RSAF Enfield factory.

       Designed for Mounted Cavalry uses and was held in a holster on a horses saddle for easy access by the rider. 

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                             Dutch East India Company's original settlers at the Cape of Good Hope but expanded into the South African interior.   But after gold was discover in the interior there was a large influx of "foreigner British' from the British controled Cape Colony.


       The British were not permitted to have a vote and were regarded as "unwelcome visitors",  so they protested to the British authorities in the Cape.  The Dutch Boars became more paranoid about lossing control of there Gold fields.

       The Dutch Boers mounted preemptive strikes into British-held territory in Natal and the Cape Colony, besieging the British garrisons of LadysmithMafeking, and Kimberley.   


      In response to these developments, the British increased numbers of British Army soldiers in Southern Africa  and British General Redvers Buller did mounted largely unsuccessful attacks against the Dutch Boers.

    General Redvers Buller was replaced by Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener, who relieved the three besieged cities and invaded the two Boer Republics in early 1900 at the head of a 180,000-strong expeditionary force. 

The Boar War

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     British mounted Cavalry units were deployed to track down and engage individual Boer guerilla units and this turn out to be high effective.


      This rifle is in 100% orginal condition as it must have came back from the South Africa War. 

       At the end of boar War in 1901 the Lee Metford had come to an end of its British Army Service life as by 1903 it was replaced by a new rifle 'The Short Magazine Lee Enfield' (SMLE).

      This rifle still has its Metford barrel from 1896 and it still has its original Victorian proof stamps and Victorian 2nd Proof stamps on the reciever and barrel.  It also has British Nitro Proof stamp as well.

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 Untouched Barrel, still has original proof stamps

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Everything on this rifle dates back to 1896,  as it left the Enfield factory

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Very nice original condition  Lee Metford Carbine

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   This is a very rare rifle from a time when Queen Victoria was still our queen and the British did have the largest Empire the world would ever see. 


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