
Suppliers British and Commonwealth Military Equipment
We Export firearms
Under the above Statutory regulations a small number of UK shooters have been returning back to us there firearms without good reason other than they can return them for a full refund. This regulations require us to refund back in full within 14 days of a claim and at anytime with 12 months of purchase, no reason for that refund is required under the above regulation.
Each time we have sent that firearm to the London proof house for testing and evaluation.
We also employed a highly qualified Gunsmith to exclaiming all three firearm Independently from the London Proof House.
The function of that firearm and bore examination.
To identify any reason for its return
We had three firearms returned to us and we submitted then to the the London Proof House for inspection, all three past proof without any comments by the proof house. The Gunsmith also reported back that in his view all three returned firearm were sound and without any problems.
We shot each rifle down a range to gauge its grouping and all three had tight groupings
The firearms were:
1897 LSA & Co .22lr Long Lee
1914 ENFIELD SMLE No1Mklll 303
1917 BSA & Co SMLE No1Mklll* 303
As you can see all these firearms are well over 100 years old and use iron sights, we have come to the conclusions that either the owners could not shoot these rifles as they were too inexperience in the operation of this weapons platforms or just decided (within the 12 months) to get a full refund and buy something else instead.
Unfortunately we are not Amazon .com so we had to make the very hard decision to stop selling any Live firearms in the UK that are dated before 1919 that are posted within the UK.
Abuses of the Distance Selling Regulation
The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000, Statutory Instrument 2000/2334, implements European Directive 97/7/EC
The UK Clients can still collect the rifle in person from our premises
as the rifle is 'Sold as Seen'. The above regulation is for posted item only