
Suppliers British and Commonwealth Military Equipment
We Export firearms
Standard L1A1's 7.62 and Limited Editions

Latest News : Price rise from the 1st May 2024 on Standard L1A1 models
British Enfield L1A1 in Wood furniture first pattern
Fitted with Original X8E1 Trial rifle woodset

Fitted with original wood furnture
British Manufactured 'Enfield or BSA & Co' L1A1 7.62 in Black
Australian Lithgow manufactured L1A1 in wood
Limited Edtion : Royal Marines Artic Warfare L1A1 version
Limited Edtion: British L1A1 Fitted with mark 2 version bypod
used in British Army Sangin gun emplacement towers

Falklands era British Army L1A1 Fitted with Trilux L2A2 Scope and mount
One Only: British Army 'Artic Warfare' L1A1 Service Rifle
Make sure you have a variation for 7.62 or 7.62/308 on your FAC. These L1A1's are proofed and stamped as 7.62
We cannot except just 308 on your FAC